

Paul reads posts from members of Café RE answering the question: “What are some things that helped you in early sobriety?  There are some emerging common themes from these responses.  Change, you don’t have to change much, you just have to change everything.  Accountability is the key, you can’t do this alone.  Alcoholism is a thinking disease.  You can’t think your way out of it.  Knowledge is not power unless you use it. Marybeth, with 8 months since her last drink, shares her story   SHOW NOTES   [8:40] Paul Introduces Marybeth.  I’m 51; I live in southern New Hampshire.  I am married with 4 children, 2 of which have special needs so that takes up some time.  I like to visit with friends and family, downhill ski, and exercise.   [13:39] Paul- Tell us about your drinking habits, how much did you drink prior to November 26th, 2016? Marybeth-  I was a big red wine drinker.  I did a sugar cleanse, and then I ended up sipping Tequila neat.  Then I switched back to wine.  I knew I would never be a morning drinke