

Paul discusses Step One: “ We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable.” from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  David, with 46 days since his last drink, shares his story   SHOW NOTES   [10:20] Paul Introduces David.  I’m a dad of 2 great boys aged 11, and 7.  We live in Atlanta.  I work at a software firm.  I have been there for quite some time.  I’m 42, and divorced.   For fun there is a lot of baseball, I help coach basketball.  Both my boys are in scouts.  I love to play and collect guitars.     [12:52] Paul- When did you realize that perhaps you didn’t drink normal? David-  I have several memories of self-questioning my drinking habits going back a decade.  I have milestones in my life I questioned my drinking.    [29:02] Paul- You are identifying yourself as a non-drinker.  Have you experienced a different case of the F-its like I have 3 years of sobriety, F-it, I might as well keep moving forward?   David-  I love this concept, I have not felt this feeli