

Facts about Alcohol:  Less than 20% of people with alcohol abuse disorders actually seek treatment for their disease.  Excessive alcohol consumption costs the U.S. economy an estimated 250 billion dollars in lost productivity according to a study from 2010.  Alcoholic’s Anonymous success rates vary depending on the source. Makenzee, with 1 year since her last drink, shares her story   SHOW NOTES   [12:05] Paul Introduces Makenzee.  I am from Boise Idaho.  I am 23 years old and I work in the emergency department at the hospital.  I love crafting, and fitness and nutrition.  I got married 9 months ago.   [13:15] Paul- When did you first realize you had a problem with alcohol?   Makenzee- I had a constant build up of sickness and hangovers on my days off.  I started to realize that my hobbies didn’t exist anymore.  I wasn’t really present in the moment.  It was miserable.   [16:57] Paul-  13 days ago, did you have a rock bottom moment?  Tell us why you quit drinking.   Makenzee-  It was hard to say one specific