Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 161: Where Does Sobriety Stand on Your Priority List?



If you haven't done so already, make sobriety your number one priority.  It may seem selfish to prioritize yourself over other things, but to really be present and of service to our loved ones and the community at large, we must take care of ourselves.  When we root ourselves in something real, concrete and bigger than ourselves, our daily struggles and problems often feel small by comparison.  “Everything's going to be okay as long as we don't drink.” Ryan, with over two since his last drink, shares his story..   SHOW NOTES   [9:10] Paul Introduces Ryan. Ryan's been sober for over two years.  He decided to quit after a trip to the hospital. He's from Dallas, TX.  Works for an ad agency.  Has a 3-year-old son.  Has a dog.  Is currently focused on raising his son.  He and his wife enjoy scuba diving.    [12:45]  When did you first notice that you had a problem with drinking? It began in college.  He noticed it affected him differently than other people.  He experienced withdrawal symptoms early on after c