Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 162: Things Your Addiction Will Say in Your Own Voice



“Your addiction will lie to you in your own voice.” Your addiction will often appear to you as a voice in your head that sounds like your own rational thoughts.  It will tell you that it's not really that big of a deal, that you are really in control or, in many cases, will conveniently wipe your memory (the ISM or “incredibly short memory”) so you won't recall what a tough time you had getting through that last hangover.  Be on the lookout for justification phrases such as: “But I didn't really have a problem before” “Everyone else drinks like I do” “This next time will be different” “I've quit once, I can quit again” “The only person you're negatively affecting is yourself” “I'm cured! I just went [X amount of time] without drinking!” “Everyone else is having so much fun” “I got this.” Stay vigilant in protecting your subconscious mind from thoughts like these and you will have an easier time avoiding relapse.  It's much easier to stay sober than it is to get sober, and staying sober isn't always easy.