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RE 174: Addressing Self Loathing With Compassionate Curiosity



Compassionate Curiosity: a way we can get to the root of why we drink. “The problem's not that the truth is harsh, but that liberation from ignorance is as painful as being born. Run after truth until you're breathless. Accept the pain involved in re-creating yourself afresh.” - Naguib Mahfouz One of the biggest root causes of addition is self loathing.  Feeling like we are not worthy or that we are in any way less than others is a belief often found at the center of our addictive behavior.  The cure for self loathing is self compassion, or self love.  Replacing the habit that is self judgment with forgiveness, the mental rigidity with an intention of being open, or the repetitive criticism with positive messages that we can do this are some of the first steps toward distancing ourselves from addictive tendencies.  We begin with a process of self examination, wherein we compassionately do so without judgment.  “There is no moving forward without breaking through the walls of denial.” -Gabor Maté Kim, wi