Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 178: Is knowledge alone enough to quit drinking?



Is knowledge alone enough to quit drinking? “To know and not to do... is not to know.” - Buddhist Proverb Are we able to successfully quit drinking by devouring books, blog posts, podcasts and internet articles?  The facts about the dangerous nature of alcohol can be quite sobering.  Though education is never a waste of time, knowledge alone is not enough to keep you sober.  It can inspire, reinforce, or encourage you to quit, but it is not enough.  Self knowledge is no match for our unconscious mind, which is where most of the internal workings of our addiction lie. Sobriety requires knowledge, action and community.  Ky, with 10 months since her last drink, shares her story..   SHOW NOTES   [10:40] Paul Introduces Ky. Ky is from 28 years old and is from British Columbia.  She works 3 jobs and enjoys, cooking, comedy shows, movies, and crossword puzzles.   [12:50] When did you first realize you had a problem with alcohol? She started drinking around 12 years old.  She thought “This is it!”  She thought i