Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 213: The Most Controversial Word in Recovery



Mina, with a sobriety date of May 30, 2017, shares his story. You can sign up for a FREE 5-day Recovery Elevator video course here.  Paul discusses the most controversial word he has encountered in AA.  The word is recovered, as in your addiction to alcohol is behind you.  Although recovered is mentioned in the books of AA, after Paul said the word in an AA meeting, he noticed a shift in the energy in the room.  Ty (who has been editing the podcasts for over 150 episodes straight…Thank you Ty!), found the word recovered mentioned over 20 times in The Big Book and the Twelve and Twelve.  So why is the word recovered so controversial?  Is recovered even such a thing?      SHOW NOTES   [10:30] Paul Introduces Mina.   Mina with a sobriety date of May 30, 2017, is 37 years old and is from Stockholm, Sweden.  He is single and has no children.  He is a software engineer.  For fun Mina likes to read, visit museums and exhibitions, and spend time in libraries.         [12:20] Give us a little background about your dri