

Patrick took his last drink on January 1, 2019.  This is his story. Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here! A new Café RE group will be launching January 1, 2020!  Also, Recovery Elevator Meet-ups in Australia have been scheduled for December!  Be sure to check the events calendar or the weekly email.  Paul is currently working on a meditation course, that he hopes to have out by early next year…warning, you may just might fall in love with yourself.  On today’s episode Paul talks about sharing and owning our story.   This can be therapeutic, but also, if done too many times, dangerous.  Why?  Your story becomes your future.  How do we stop this?  We learn to protect us from our thoughts.  When you take your energies and thoughts off your past addictions and traumas they can disappear.  One way to do this is through meditation.   [11:15] Paul introduces Patrick.    Patrick was born and raised in Boston.  He is