

Andrew took his last drink on February 16, 2019.  This is his story. Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here! On today’s episode Paul talks about 2 things.  Number one is about how it is the simple things in life that matter the most.  Number two is, watch out for addiction whack-a-mole, or transfer addiction, with an emphasis on technology and smart phones.    [16:15] Paul introduces Andrew.    Andrew is 47 years old and lives in Sidney, AUS.  He is divorced and enjoys spending time by the water.         [20:20] Give us a background on your drinking.   Andrew was about 15 years old the first time he drank and he realized that, when he drank, he didn’t quite behave the same way as everybody else.  He says that he felt that alcohol calmed him down.    [23:00] When did you first recognize that alcohol was causing more damage than good?   By age 19 Andrew had 4 drunk driving charges.  Andrew thought that spending 5