

Lisa took her last drink on December 16, 2017.  This is her story. On today’s episode Paul talks about moderate drinking, and whether or not it works.  For almost everyone, when we first decide to quit drinking, we try to moderate.  The question isn’t, can I still have alcohol in my life, but…do I want to be a moderate version of my authentic self? Are there success stories of moderate drinking?  Sure.  But they don’t work out in the long run.    [18:30] Paul introduces Lisa.    Lisa is from Minneapolis, Minnesota.  She is 40 years old and has 2 kids, a 21-year-old and 18-year-old.  Lisa has been a single mom for 13 years.   She is a RN and does patient care part time and education full time.  For fun Lisa loves going to the gym, and when the weather is nice, she likes to hike.         [22:00] Give us a background on your drinking.   Lisa started drinking at the age of 14.  She wasn’t a huge drinker, but whenever she could drink, she did, and she always wanted to get wasted.  At 27 she was newly divorced with