

Desi took her last drink July 21, 2018. With just over 2 years away from alcohol, (at the time of recording) this is her story of living alcohol free (AF).   If you haven't checked out the RE merchandise...what are you waiting for??  You can see what we have available here!   Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding your Better You…..   Hard days happen for everyone and don’t believe that highlight reel you see on Instagram! Odette calls these “dip days”. It’s ok to not thrive every single day, it’s ok to let feelings pass, it’s ok to be honest and you are not alone. 2020 is here to remind us we are stronger than we think and also what grief feels like.       Odette wants to share her tools for what helps her during these dip days.   Eat Drink lots of water Meditate Laugh Remind yourself daily that you are not your productivity levels. Take your medications (if you are on any!)       [7:34] Odette introduces Desi.   Desi is 30 years old and lives in Michigan. She is finished up her Master’s in social work at