

Today we have Eric. He is 58 years old and from New Jersey. His last drink was on February 10, 2019.     The RE Alcohol Free Ukulele course registration is open! Sign up here.   For more information about our Denver event, please go here.     From Paul: Why is working with the nervous system so important?   The cycle: The more the nervous system is in check the more you want to do things that bring you joy. The more you do things that bring you joy, the more your nervous system calms down.   Listen to the nature sounds playlist. We forget that we come from nature, we evolved with the crickets and blue jays. All you have to do is listen to nature sounds and allow it to calm the nervous system.     [10:03] Odette introduces Eric.     Eric is 58 years old and from New Jersey. He is a teacher. He also enjoys performing in theater as well as teaching theater. For fun he likes hiking and going to the gym. Being in nature is important to him.   He grew up around alcohol and for him it was very normalized. As a kid