

Episode 370– Phases of Recovery   Today we have Stephanie. She is from Pennsylvania, and she took her last drink on  January 2, 2020.   Ditch the Booze:ére   Promo Code:  OPPORTUNITY   Finding your better you with Odette   After ten years of being in recovery, Odette discovers that she never asked herself what recovery means to her. Success means different things to different people. When Odette decided to add alcohol to her recovery journey, she enjoyed counting days and celebrating milestones. Fear is a common theme Odette noticed among her sober soulmates,  fear of failure.    Relapse has been part of Odette’s journey, and she spoke about how common relapse is for those in recovery. As she searched for the reasons she relapsed, she discovered depression, perfectionism, and shame patterns. Shame dissolves hope, and without hope, you stop showing up. Sobriety for Odette is about walking toward herself and her truth.   Odette encourages listeners to define sobriety and recove