

Episode 375 – Decoupling   Today we have Amanda. She is 40, from Florida, and took her last drink on March 25, 2019.   The Bozeman Retreat has openings for men:   Exact Nature: 20   Highlights from Paul   Paul discusses anxiety and decoupling. Paul’s tipping point was in 2017 when his anxiety or hangxiety was so bad that he thought he was having a heart attack. As he sobered up, the anxiety temporarily worsened, then improved dramatically. 85-90% of Paul’s anxiety is gone today. Anxiety no longer controls him.   Decoupling is untangling the thoughts, actions, and behaviors no longer serving you. Decoupling is a muscle. Start small and watch the momentum build.    You are the Placebo:     Better Help: - 10% off your first month                                                                               [10:20]  Amanda is married to a military husband and has two children. She works as