

Episode 389  - Journal Speak   Today we have Christy.   She is 42, from Denmark, and has been sober since April 5, 2022.     Costa Rica 2023:     Exact Nature: 20   Highlights from Paul   Paul talks about “journal speak,” an informal, off-the-cuff style of journaling. The point is to get unprocessed, uncomfortable emotions out of you. It makes you feel less alone and more connected to yourself. This is a significant component connecting with the raw, unheard, vulnerable, pissed-off version of you. When you feel a craving coming on, this is one of the best times to do this because a part of you is screaming to be heard.   Paul suggests starting with 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night. Make it informal, with no spelling or grammar check, and toss or burn it when you finish. Generally, you will find that you feel better and have cleared your mind.   Better Help: - 10% off your first month. #spon