

Episode 390  - The Secret to Change   Today we have Jess.   She is 37, from Ontario, and has been sober since May 7, 2022.   Ditch the Booze Mindfulness Course starts 9/20.:   Recovery Fit – Paul Lapine.  Lapine Fitness Studio. Insta:Paul_Lapine_   Highlights from Paul   YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT! Anyone who doesn’t quit quitting eventually creates distance from alcohol. “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not fighting the old, but building the new.” Socrates. This journey is about transformation. It’s an invitation to create a life where alcohol isn’t needed. It’s about letting part of you go. It’s about saying goodbye to the aspects of your life that aren’t working,   Paul suggests fighting the old is a waste, and addiction is a messenger letting you know your life is out of balance. Desperation leads to surrender, which leads to openness and willingness.   Don’t resist change as it is one constant