

Episode 392  - One Week Without Alcohol.   Today we have Megan.   She is 34, from Florida, and has been sober since June 22, 2021.   Gruvi:   Highlights from Paul   Stacking days, which is a day here, and a couple of days there, is fantastic, but your body and mind will respond faster to continuous sobriety, and I think a week is the most doable chunk of time. I know for me, even 30 days was overwhelming.   Day 1:  Drink water, then more water. Eat at least one full, healthy meal. Your body is detoxing today. Anxiety is part of this. Embrace the process. Remember the pain. Exercise will help with sleep. Sleep won't be great, and night sweats are expected. Expect cravings, and ice cream is your friend.   Day 2:  Expect to be tired, exhausted, and anxious. Drink water, sleep, eat ice cream and worry about sugar later.   Day 3:  Sleep should improve and welcome back appetite. Eat a healthy breakfast.   Day 4:  Your body is healing. Drink water, sleep and eat (sugar does help with cravin