Zero To Travel Podcast : National Geographic Type Adventures, Lifestyle Design Like Tim Ferriss Plus Inspiration Like Ted

Why (And How) To Keep Your Travel Dreams Alive During Tough Times



A lot is going on in the world right now and I want to talk about how to keep your travel dreams alive during these tough times because we have to keep our spirits up and our eyes set to the amazing traveling future that we all will still have ahead of us. No medical advice here just a positive outlook and plenty of travel dreams for all of you, my friends! Things to let me know &/or ponder for yourself: How are you holding up? How are you connecting with other people? What are you doing to keep the fun in your life? Are you living in the moment more?  Do you think you have more awareness about your days? Where are the opportunities in your life right now? Are you allowing for the uncontrollable's to control you?