

Have you always dreamed of living abroad? What is your biggest hurdle (besides finances)? I'm always so excited when my good friend, Tim Leffel, agrees to come back on and talk about all things ex-pat and today does not disappoint. We are getting into the nuances of living abroad, how moving overseas can dramatically change your day to day life, the financial impact of moving abroad, how moving abroad can give you more freedoms to create, Tim's best advice for finding a place that matches your interests, and who this isn't for. That last piece may be the most important if you are truly thinking about making a leap to a life abroad because Tim is offering up some compelling arguments for the types of people who maybe should NOT be spending extended time overseas. Did your dream place make the list? Did any of the places we discuss move to the top of your list and why? Let me know by sending me an audio message. Premium Passport: Want access to the private Zero To Travel podcast feed, a bonus episode every mont