

Welcome to Australia, mate! Thanks to some help from Tourism Australia, I was able to land two incredible interviews with locals who grew up on opposite sides of this vast country. On this audio journey, you get to explore parts of this vast continent through the eyes of two accomplished indigenous Australians who kindly share their rich history and ancestral stories allowing you to take in perspectives most typical tourists don’t. First, you'll hear from Aunty Marg, founder-owner and managing director of Dreamtime Southern X, which runs tours offering fascinating insights into Sydney’s Aboriginal Dreamtime beginnings. She shares her wisdom and advice on travel in the New South Wales Region of Australia as well as some of the historical and cultural significance of indigenous people. Then we'll catch up with Bart Pigram, a Yawuru man from the West Kimberley region of northwest Australia who started his company Narlijia Tours to help tell the ‘entire’ story sharing his Aboriginal and multicultural perspective