Getting Things Done

Ep. 233: The Value of Writing Things Down



Jukka Backman is a GTD trainer and coach, as well as the managing director for GTD in Finland. In this recording, he shares about the multifaceted value of writing things down. Jukka says, "There is definite power in writing things down. When externalized (from the mind) our perception of the things that took our attention, changes." He talks about the specifics of how to use a worry list, how to start or refine your use of the Mind Sweep, harnessing the power of your self-talk, and his use of the Intention Journal. You can listen to the entire conversation from June 2021 at GTD Connect®. -- This audio is one of many available at GTD Connect, a learning space and community hub for all things GTD. Join GTD practitioners from around the world in learning, sharing, and developing the skills for stress-free productivity. Sign up for a free guest pass Learn about membership options Knowing how to get the right things done is a key to success. It’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed. Stay focused and increase