
(160) Versão portuguesa dos Critérios STOPP/START



Versão portuguesa dos Critérios STOPP/START - Link #H4A Primary Health Care Research Network - Link Reducing Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions for Older Patients Using Computerized Decision Support Tools: Systematic Review - Link Translation and adaptation of the STOPP-START screening tool to Portuguese for detecting inappropriate prescriptions in older people: a protocol - Link Inappropriate Prescriptions in Older People—Translation and Adaptation to Portuguese of the STOPP/START Screening Tool - Link Translation and cultural adaptation of MedStopper®—A web-based decision aid for deprescribing in older adults: A protocol - Link Nova iOS app MGFamiliar - ⁠Link⁠ --- Subscreva o Podcast MGFamiliar para não perder qualquer um dos nossos episódios. Além disso, considere deixar-nos uma revisão ou um comentário no Apple Podcasts ou no Spotify. --- Pós-produção de áudio: Mafalda Magalhães --- Music Surfers Paradise by Scandinavianz - Link