Affirmation Pod - Affirmation, Relaxation and Meditation for Transformation

85 Guided Visualization No Music – Stress Management Visualization



This month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at Today's episode ties in the last two episodes: episode 83 on Stress Management Strategies and episode 84 on What are your Stressors? If you're looking for the vershion that has music, go to Please note: today's episode requires the mental and emotional resources to look at your stressors. I strongly recommend ensuring you are in a good time, place and space for this. This guided visualization walks you through applying your stress management strategies before, during and after experiencing a stressor in your life. 5 Tips for this episode  Continue your deep breathing throughout the 20 minute episode  Stop at anytime if you feel overwhelmed and practice an alternate form of self-care  Pause at anytime if you're not quite ready for the next part  Utilize this episode for empowering yourself  Utilize this episode for disempowering the stressor Please note: next mo