Success In Medicine

Energized at Work: Episode 5 with Dr. Ying Guo, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cancer Rehabilitation



Dr. Guo is a Professor of Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. As a rehabilitation physician, she works with cancer patients at all stages of their therapy to improve their function and recovery. She also brings an integrative approach to her care: later in her career, she went back to school to become certified in medical acupuncture for physicians, a treatment she is now able to provide for her patients.  When I asked her what she finds most energizing about her work, she focused on the fulfillment of seeing patients regain their function, as well as the ability to use her creative problem-solving skills to help patients overcome their challenges. She also described the support she receives that helps her continue growing and learning. Dr. Guo is a full Professor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. She is certified in medical acupuncture for physicians.