
Hire When It Hurts



Big Integer, our episode about the outage - 3:56DHH's posts on subsequent outages - 3:59"Basecamp is hiring a Head of Marketing" (Signal v. Noise) - 6:15archive of past talks by Basecampers - 6:29Books by Basecamp - 6:30Six Hours of Phone Calls, our episode about looking for an SEO consultant to help with Basecamp's Google ranking - 6:46Basecamp Support - 8:28"Basecamp is hiring Customer Support Representatives" (SvN) - 8:38"We're hiring a Director of Operations" (SvN) - 9:19"Basecamp is hiring a Senior Programmer" (SvN) - 11:12Workable - 14:38Hiring Is Not Hazing, our episode about code reviews and other aspects of tech interviews - 20:00Know Your Team, our episode about the company formerly known as the product Know Your Company - 29:25"Why work doesn't happen at work," Jason Fried's 2010 TEDxMidwest talk - 31:27