
A Hosty Retreat



Art19 - 1:02The Distance - 1:09Tweet from Kevin Finn to DHH / "Heal the Internet" - 1:15Buzzsprout - 1:21Video about Art19's new ad technology - 1:28DHH's tweet about leaving Art19 ASAP - 3:23Transistor - 3:52Lex Friedman - 4:16"Breaking: Two Top Stitcher Executives leave for Art19" (Hot Pod) - 10:58California Consumer Privacy Act (Wikipedia) - 23:20Justin Jackson - 40:24Jon Buda - 40:34The Good News Podcast, a show by Cards Against Humanity - 40:45"Crafting Radio's Driveway Moments" (NPR) - 42:26Sleep With Me podcast - 56:38Justin Jackson's post on getting to $30K - 58:21DHH's personal website - 1:02:27