
Are The Kids Alright?



In this anxious era of bullying, teen depression, and school shootings, tech companies are selling software to schools and parents that make big promises about keeping kids secure by monitoring what they say and write online. But these apps demand disturbing trade-offs in the name of safety. In this episode, we dive into the normative, privacy, and transparency implications of this software for both schools and families, and examine how the rush to fix societal problems with technology can amplify harm to young people while enriching companies that stand to profit from increased surveillance.Show NotesGennie Gebhart's bio | Twitter - 00:38Electronic Frontier Foundation - 1:02The EFF's 2017 report on student privacy (PDF) - 1:12"Facial Recognition Tech Comes to Schools and Summer Camps" (Wall Street Journal) - 1:32"Heal the Internet," our episode on removing tracking pixels from emails - 2:06"Big Brother at the Office," our episode on workplace surveillance - 2:10Previou