
Privacy Scavenger Hunt



Imagine a corporate privacy policy on a website that was actually comprehensible and written by and for human beings. We talk to companies who have done just this, and what it means to build a business that has respect for privacy baked in from the outset. We also talk to a researcher who's witnessed the difficulty of navigating online privacy settings.Show NotesMark Asquith's website | Twitter | Instagram -, part of Rebel Base Media - 00:28Captivate’s privacy policy - 1:25Hana Habib's website - 2:57GDPR -  3:16CCPA - 3:18The study on privacy usability that Hana and her team published (PDF) - 3:46Kaitlin Maud on Twitter | Instagram - 6:13Rain or Shine Recruiting - 6:14Rain or Shine Recruiting’s privacy policy - 11:50Ryan Jones on Twitter - 13:16Flighty - 13:18Flighty’s privacy policy - 17:15“A Hosty Retreat,” our episode about switching podcast hosts over privacy concerns -23:00"Overcast's latest beta update tells listeners which podcasts are tracking them" (The