
A Dose of Empathy



Equilibria, a company that makes CBD products for women, has a team of dedicated dosage specialists who do one-on-one consultations with customers. During the pandemic, this team has taken on an unprecedented amount of customer support—bearing witness to the heightened stress and anxiety that their customers are feeling around job security, caregiving, and family life. Equilibria's Marcy Capron Vermillion and Maia Reed come on Rework to talk about helping this team maintain their own stores of emotional energy.Show Notes"Women Tending to Their Basic Needs Is Not Self-Care" by Meredith Ethington - 00:12"This Is A Primal Scream," the New York Times' special report on American mothers' mental health crisis - 1:02Equilibria website | Instagram - 1:13Marcy Capron-Vermillion - 2:20Maia Reed - 3:39Illinois Women in Cannabis - 4:25Ellementa - 4:28Laura van Dernoot Lipsky of The Trauma Stewardship Institute - 12:12