
Building to Flip is Building to Flop



A lot of people start businesses with the hope that they'll be able to sell it quickly for a huge pile of money. While this might happen sometimes, it's extremely rare and even worse, the businesses created with this goal sacrifice so much just for the chance to sell. They sacrifice their customers, their employees, their product quality... You get the idea. It's like building a house that only looks good in pictures, but you certainly wouldn't want to live in it.Show Notes03:10  - The Imbox: It's not a typo17:38 - Basecamp 3 Uptime22:04 - Mojito island is a mirage (Signal v. Noise)23:21 - Why 37signals Refocused on a Single Product: Basecamp (Inc.)23:49 - Groundhog Day (IMDb)25:52 - Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (