
Build Half a Product, Not a Half-Assed Product



You can't do everything you want to do and do it well. You just don't have the time, resources, people, etc., so you're going to have to cut some things. But, this isn't a bad thing at all! As with any other early constraints, embrace the editing process. Your product will be better off for it!Show Notes02:08 - tilted05:56 - Jonas Downey06:31 - Ryan Singer06:33 - Matthew Linderman (Matt Ruby)08:49 - The HEY Cover Art Gallery10:50 - Six-week cycles (Shape Up)15:28 - A Review Of The Minimum Viable Product Approach (Forbes)17:09 - HEY Features17:23 - The Screener19:04 - Getting Real (YouTube)21:13 - The "Building of Basecamp" Workshop (37signals)