
Ignore the Details Early On



It's incredibly easy to focus too much on the little details of what you're building. You can spend hours and hours on something that will rarely ship with the final product. And, details are important! But, early on is not the time to worry about them. Focus on the basics first and worry about the specifics later.Show Notes02:14 - Hill Charts (Basecamp)03:02 - Fat marker sketches (Shape Up)07:17 - On the Origin of the iPhone (Daring Fireball)10:21 - "Getting Real" design tip: Just say no to Lorem Ipsum (Signal vs Noise)12:15 - Why are we likely to continue with an investment even if it would be rational to give it up? (The Decision Lab)12:16 - Why do we value items more if they belong to us? (The Decision Lab)13:12 - Test-driven development (Wikipedia)18:31 -