

“I cannot wait to see genes that operate in a vacuum.”This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers. The “Nature vs. Nurture” debate can be traced to ancient Greece and perhaps earlier.In the entertainment world, there have been several books, plays, and movies that touch upon the subject matter.The riddle: How much influence does nature (genetics) versus nurture (environment: culture, family, friends, home, city, etc.) have upon one’s life?For example, Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper, published in 1881, is a tale about two boys who were born on the same day, one a prince and the other a pauper; they accidentally switch places.Not coincidentally, Trading Places, the 1983 hit comedy starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd, pursued the exact same theme.Recently, I tripped upon a few well-done Khan Academy videos covering this debate. [I link to a few of their videos below.]The short story: While these videos are very well produced, and the instructors do a fantastic job, the longer you watch them,