Testtalks | Automation Awesomeness | Helping You Succeed With Test Automation

Deep Dive with AutomationSTAR's Chris Loder, Janna Loeffler, Gáspár Nagy and Seb Rose



Welcome to another exciting episode of the TestGuild Automation Podcast! In today's episode, "Automation Pioneers Deep Dive with Automation Stars," we have a fantastic lineup of guests, including Chris Loder, Janna Loeffler, Gáspár Nagy, and Seb Rose. These automation experts bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in automation. But before we dive in, we have some exciting news to share. The AutomationSTAR Conference is happening in Berlin, Germany, from November 20 to 21, and our guests will speak there. This event is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about automation testing. As a special bonus for Test Guild listeners, you can get an extra 10% off tickets using the code "TestGuild10". Just head over to https://testguild.com/star and register today. In this episode, we'll explore the topics our guests will discuss at the conference, including test automation strategies, streamlining CI/CD pipelines, and leadership in automation