The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 179: Betsy DeVos is a Twat — Tackling Title IX and Sexual Assault



Stay up-to-date with future Billy at Amanda has survived a sexual assault, a failed suicide attempt, and years of predatory grooming as a teenaged cosplayer surrounded by Nerd Kings of a certain age. Sexual assault continues to dominate headlines as victims and allies alike refuse to stay silent about rape culture in this country, especially on our college campuses. I don’t know how to fix the criminal justice system to honor the victims of one of the hardest crimes to prove. But so long as we don’t shut up about it, we just may make a dent. I am so grateful that Amanda returned for another Manwhore Podcast to share her story of love, sex, and courage. ALSO: Hear why I agree, sort of, with Trump twat Betsy DeVos on Title IX! PLUS: alpha female, two boyfriends, anime conventions, bartenders, cheating, and The Naked Man! Click here for tickets to Manwhore Podcast: Live! Or click here to attend all of ManwhoreCon! Visit for more on Bartenders Against Sexual Assault. Tit