The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 167: Sexual Maturity and Social Justice



Stay up-to-date with future Billy at Polyamory takes work. That work becomes a lot more difficult when you or your partner is dealing with mental illness. Kat returns to The Manwhore Podcast after a wonderful appearance on episode 19. But as the Senate Republicans shove through a health bill that will make access to mental health services out-of-reach for millions of Americans, Kat worries about finding a therapist who accepts her situation as polyamorous, a former sex worker, and a depressive. PLUS: feminism, social justice, ice cream prostitution, male gaze, race, and sex work! Tickets for ManwhoreCon are now ON SALE! Click here to get tickets 50% off! Join our fanwhore community on Patreon for just $2. Click here to pledge today! The Manwhore Podcast is sponsored by Pure. Download the Pure app today and have casual sex tonight! Get $30 off convenient, licensed therapy with Talkspace with the promo code MANWHORE at sign up. Email your comments, questions, and boobie pictu