Mwf Motivation Podcast

The Great Purge: Spring Clean Your Life to Purge Negative Habits & Thoughts



Welcome to today’s episode of The Mindset Mentor Podcast today. We are going to talk about some thing that I call “The Great Purge”. The great purge is all about doing a deep cleanse of your mind, your relationships, and your environment… and and the way you start this process is by simply looking at each of those things and asking yourself one question:“Is this serving me? Or is this stealing my energy?”But it’s not serving you, nor giving you energy, and is, in fact, sucking the energy from you… I’m going to recommend you completely eliminate that thing from your life.And yes, sometimes that’s going to be very hard. Not just when its relationship to either, maybe something that’s been holding you back is more like an addiction, or a bad habit, like alcohol. It’s time to make some adjustments.The reason why you wanna do this periodically throughout your life, and not just once a year it’s because as you live your life, you are developing new habits meeting, new people and finding yourself and you places. Whi