Mwf Motivation Podcast

Use your ego for good



Welcome back to The Mindset Mentor Podcast where today I’m going to uncover whether or not it’s possible to actually use our ego’s for good? We always here that having too big of an ego can be destructive to ourselves and others, but here’s what I think… I think that we can actually take our ego and it for good and instead of being Negative and Destructive… I believe that we can actually use them to be Positive and Constructive. So… whether you’re someone that’s ever been told you’ve got too big of an ego, or you’ve found yourself having to deal with another person that you think has too big of an ego… I’m so glad you found today’s episode because I know this is going to help you out. *BONUS* My gift to help you start experiencing transformation in your life by discovering more of what there is to love about yourself… Journaling is a simple yet powerful and effective tool that can help you instantly improve the quality of your life. It can help you develop powerful habits, enhance your self awareness and emo