Mwf Motivation Podcast

You Are Not Your Thoughts



Welcome to today’s episode of The Mindset Mentor Podcast where today we are going to actually get pretty deep… If I were to ask you, “Who are you?” , what would you say? Would you tell me who you’re married to, what your family is like, what your upbringing was, your religion, or where you work, etc? Yea if you’re being honest most people would answer with exactly that. But the truth is that those things are not WHO YOU ARE. Those are simply things you’ve identified yourself with overtime. What I want you to understand is that you are more than your programming. You’re more than your circumstances. You’re more than your thoughts. Just as the bird example where the bird wants to keep the water calm, and have some form of control so they don’t feel helpless… the same thing happens with humans and our minds. When our minds go crazy and we try to control it by forcing peace… that never works for the long term. In this episode you’re going to walk away knowing, understanding, and believing that you no longe