The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 142: Leah Bonnema seeks Lady Parts Justice!



Stay up-to-date with future Billy with Leah Bonnema is in a common law marriage. What does that mean? “I think it means he can turn off my respirator,” says the New York comedian and Lady Parts Justice contributor. Bonnema tells me about falling in love with a fellow comedian, how they make it through fights, and how terrifying it is to be a woman in Trump’s America. Her motto? Call your anti-choice congressman…or at least make fun of him! PLUS: comedy, advice, polyamory, love, communication, Patreon contest, children, Donald Trump, & showering! Watch Lady Parts Justice mock and ridicule the patriarchy at! Check out Leah Bonnema all over! Website Twitter Facebook Instagram Enter to win all of the Patreon bonus episodes! I’ll randomly draw a lucky listener each week! Earn an entry each week by: Being on the mailing list. Posting on Facebook & tagging The Manwhore Podcast. Tweeting with the hashtag #ManwhoreP