The Tim Ferriss Show

#238: The Savant of Speed -- Ryan Flaherty



Ryan Flaherty (@ryanflaherty1) is the Senior Director of Performance at Nike. Prior to holding that position, Ryan was the Founder and President of Prolific Athletes LLC, a sports performance facility in San Diego, California, where he trained some of the world's best athletes. His clients include Serena Williams, Russell Wilson, the Arizona Cardinals, Marcus Mariota, Jameis Winston, and hundreds of other professional athletes. While he is well known for dramatically improving his athletes' speed, more and more athletes (and coaches) seek Ryan out for his training and guidance on injury prevention. Many of Ryan's clients have made remarkable recoveries from injuries, and several NFL teams and European soccer clubs have sought his methodology to implement into their training programming. Ryan developed an algorithm called "Force Number" that is based on the hex (or trap) bar deadlift and body weight to predict speed such as the forty-yard dash. In this discussion, we talk about exercises for reducing injury po