Delight Your Marriage

393-The Sin of Self-Pity (aka Pride)



I should be clear... I don't struggle with this. The stories I share about my pride in this episode are a complete rarity. Almost never happens. ​I also don't struggle with lying... :D  (Just kidding :) I need this learning as much as anyone... which is why I'm excited to share what God is teaching me! ---- "My spouse needs to change..."  "[He is / She is] doing so many bad many..." "There's nothing I can do unless [he / she] changes..."   I knew this was a disempowering mindset that I saw often. But it wasn't until this week when God confronted me with my pride, that I learned that "self-pity" is the sin of pride.    Ouch. But true.   (I learned this through the book by R. T. Kendall's The Power of Humility. I highly recommend it.) Wallowing in your pain isn't God's way.    "But I don't deserve to be treated like this!" I hear you.   Job didn't deserve his suffering either.  His suffering was profound.  Maybe yours is too.   Job started out strong. Even when others encouraged him to deny God's