Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Stop the Monkey Chatter & Get OFF Autopilot ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  What is mindfulness?? It’s one of those words that have been flying around for years, but do you really understand what it means? Jackie didn’t. What she learned was that mindfulness is really about getting off autopilot. When we live on autopilot, we live at the mercy of our circumstances, doing what we’re “supposed to” do, and we may never achieve what we were created to do. What happens when we get off autopilot? We get into the driver’s seat of our own life and we become conscious of what we’re doing, what’s working for us and what’s not, and we begin to make choices that support us in creating our lives on purpose. And Creating Your Life On Purpose is a MUCH yummier way to live! More fun, more laughter, more joy, more of YOU living your brilliance, and how amazing would that feel? Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, “Stop the Monkey Chatter & Get OFF Autopilot”, where she will share her own journey about learning to create her life on