Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Perfectly Flawed – Seeing Your Unique Beauty ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott Radio Show What does it mean to be perfectly flawed? What if you were created to be exactly who you are? What if every part of you is essential, even the ones you don’t feel so great about? If every “flaw” actually makes you more unique and more beautiful? What if every single person on the planet is perfectly flawed and that’s what makes them absolutely brilliant? When we look at ourselves in the mirror every morning, we’re looking at a person that only we really know. We know every mistake we’ve ever made, every time we’ve hurt someone or said something “stupid” or embarrassing, every single thing that we believe makes us ugly or unappealing. And if we focus on those things, how can we possibly feel good about ourselves or begin to show up in our glory and live our purpose? Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, “Perfectly Flawed – Seeing Your Unique Beauty”, where she will share her own journey of learning to appreciate herself as a whole, i