Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Boundaries and the Vortex of “Other People’s Stuff” ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  When you think of boundaries, what do you think of? Do you think of walls and fences that establish ownership of a space or property? Or do you think about loving and respecting yourself? Is it about protection and keeping things away from you or that maybe establishing appropriate boundaries with others can actually create better relationships and more ease in your life? We’ve probably all heard that we teach people how to treat us, right? This is one of the most important reasons we need to be conscious of the messages on our Subliminal Soundtrack. We allow into our lives the things that we believe we deserve. If you believe that you deserve to be treated with kindness and understanding, respect and care, you will attract the people into your life who will treat you that way. But what if your beliefs are based on negative thoughts about yourself? We attract into our lives the people who will give us exactly what we feel we deserve… and if we believe that we deserve le