Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

The Art of Mindful Living ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  When we aren’t purposeful about what’s playing on our Subliminal Soundtrack, we live and make decisions based on knee jerk reactions to whatever circumstances present themselves. But when we practice the art of Mindful Living, we choose to respond with conscious action where required rather than emotional re-action. When we develop the skills required for mindful living, we evaluate the situations that present themselves and move through our circumstances with purpose and that actually creates far more peace in our lives. Have you ever reacted from emotion and wished that you hadn’t? We all have, but we do have a choice and when you learn the skills and tools to respond rather than react, we no longer have to face the consequences or guilt that come from the harm that can be caused by thoughtless and emotional reactions. Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, “The Art of Mindful Living”, where she will share how she learned to be more mindful