

Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Are you tired of the situations that bring unnecessary drama into your life? Would you like things to be more peaceful and calm in your world? The unpopular truth is that sometimes, we are creating or allowing the people and the circumstances into our worlds that cause drama and stress, chaos and tension. The good news is that you can change that! When we find ourselves in that stress and chaos, it is almost always because of the mental and emotional space we’re in because of our Subliminal Soundtrack or the conditioning we have about what things mean. When you get back into the driver’s seat and refuse to engage in the trauma and drama, it loses its power and we can create peace and calm in spite of what’s happening around us. Join Jackie Mott for this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation! We’ll be talking about how to change our thoughts and disengage from the trauma and drama that creates stress and tension in our lives, regardless of