Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

You ALWAYS Have a Choice! ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  What is one of the most dis-empowering thoughts? “I HAVE to”. I have to implies that I have no choice, but what if I told you that you ALWAYS have a choice? Would it make it easier to consider that you choose to do the things required to support the life you’re living? That because you choose the lifestyle or circumstance, you are also choosing whatever is required? There are many circumstances that come with responsibilities and tasks that are required in order to do or have that thing. If you buy a car, you are also choosing to purchase gas and repairs, insurance, licence fees, etc. If you buy a house, you’re also choosing to make the payments, take care of the maintenance, etc. When we switch from “I HAVE to” to “I’m choosing this”, we actually empower ourselves and some of the things that seem difficult simply become part of the thing that we chose. This one simple shift will help you break free from a victim mindset, so let’s talk about it! Join Jackie Mott on this