Pretty Little Podcasters

Scream 6 (2023)



Okay, so... technically this is more like an episode of Pretty Little Screamers where we theorise about what's going to happen when the inevitable Scream VII AKA sixth sequel comes along, but we promise there is some discussion of Scream VI ...somewhere in this podcast. Granted, we do spend an extraordinarily long time debating our own rankings and fighting to the bloody death about who (*cough* Tom McNab *cough*) is right, and who (*cough* Ben Tahija *cough*) is wrong when it comes to where Scream 2 deserves to be ranked. Thankfully, Chelsea White is here to keep us all level headed, setting the record straight and letting it be known that in the year of our lord and saviour, Beyonce, 2023, there is absolutely no goddamn way these teenagers are listening to "Blow The Whistle" at a college fraternity party!? Whatever, Alicia, let's get our murder on. It's a Scream, baby. I'll be right back!